Episode 35: The Gift of Grace with Hannah Wallace

In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with writer, speaker, priestess, mentor, and disability model Hannah Wallace. Hannah is the host of a podcast called Finding Grace, in which she interviews people about their journey in finding grace. Her mission is to help people find grace in their lives, empower them, shift them into making sustainable changes in their lives, and help them integrate their darkness into light.

Topics include:

  • Hannah’s own journey of finding grace through navigating an illness in her teens, which turned out to be a genetic condition and led her to the practices of surrender, trust, and choosing joy
  • The ever-expanding spiral of healing and how as we grow, we are always shown the next facet of the healing journey
  • Peeling back the layers of conditioning and belief systems to discover who we are and our own personal rhythm
  • Giving ourselves the gift of compassion and kindness and the grace to sit with ourselves in the darker spaces