
Atomic Healing™
Medical Intuitive Sessions

You are READY to heal. You are ready for new ideas, new suggestions, even lifestyle changes. You just need custom guidance from your spirit guides on what to do. Take that next step with me


I am so happy you are here. I’ve been where you are. 25 years ago, I was struggling to understand why my body was breaking down. Why I felt terrible. Why my reproductive system was a mess? Why my digestive system was painful? Why my skin was erupting in acne. What was my body doing to me? Why was I failing out of college and swirling in the drama of an unhealthy relationship? Why was my life not what I thought I wanted? Why didn’t I feel good? Why was my life an endless cycle of work and pain and feeling uncomfortable?

This challenge is what started me on what I call my medicine path. It started my journey inside of myself the ultimately not only healed all of those ailments and life imbalances it also helped me find my true purpose – the joy of helping you find the root cause of your pain a struggle so you can heal and feel joy and pleasure. It took some time! I had to go deep within and learn with medicine teachers and healers. I had to educate myself on the brain and its intricate workings. I had always been an imaginative person, reading voraciously and glorying in understanding things. I had to turn that first on myself and then it evolved into my dharma – being a medical intuitive.

I know you’re exhausted. You’re tired of the struggle. Whether you’ve been existing with chronic pain. Or, you’ve been struggling to work and maintain normalcy while on a hormonal roller coaster. Or, you are sick of being bloated and fatigued. Or, you can’t sleep. You saw your primary care physician. They gave you a pill that doesn’t help. You saw the medical specialist they recommended. You still feel tired. You still have heartburn or heart palpitations plus now your emotional heart is weary.

I want you to feel good again. I want to help you unlock all of the incredible wisdom buried inside of you. Your body knows how to heal itself. And, your higher self knows how you have to change your life to love your life. It is all within you. My job is to help you bring it out.

We will partner to talk directly to your spirit guides: the beings who love you unconditionally from beyond earth. Your guides have an expanded view of your life and all realities. They will show us the easiest, quickest, most efficient path for you to feel good again. They will help us find the absolute root cause(s) of what ails you and tell us how to fix it.

These same guides will get easier to hear. They will be closer because you will have given them permission to be. You will have learned how to ask them for help and made a deeper connection with them. You will be aligned with your spirit team and your inner guidance in a new way and you will rebuild your life to one that you love. Thereby creating a life that feels good in your body and makes you smile every day.

When we experience pain or suffering it is an opportunity to realign with pleasure and joy.

Take that next step with me.

About this session
Atomic Healing™


In a deep dive session, I unearth the root cause of your health problems so you can come into balance and align with your heart’s desires.

The way a session begins is you get to share your questions and concerns. After that, I say an opening invocation which is adapted from something shared with me by my late medicine teacher about 25 years ago. It invites your highest vibrational spirit guides to participate in the session. These may be ancestors, angelic guides, or other benevolent nonphysical beings.

After the invocation, I let you know which guides want to talk with you and what they have to say. We address your questions and concerns and find resolutions and answers. If there are health issues we find the root cause of the issues.


Book a deep dive session with me today to uncover the root cause of any underlying issues you may be experiencing.

Atomic Healing™


Book a healing home session with me today for a specialized plan to help make your home more holistic.

About this session
Atomic Healing™


Take a deep dive into all of the energetic factors that influence the way that the people who live in your home experience life. We will go through the whole home and create an action plan to fully align the energy of your dwelling with your heart’s desires. Get ready for transformation with this comprehensive session with your spirit guides and the teams of non-physical helpers that are available to help you maximize the etheric impact of your house or apartment.

About this session
Atomic Healing™


In this session we clear ancestral density and the old emotional residue of your ancestors.This often includes ancestral trauma and energy ancestors who also didn’t process those emotions completely. Sometimes residue of those emotional energies can be passed down.

The objectives to get to the root cause and work our way out from there. It could
be an imprint genetic and there might be some ancestral involvement. That may lead to moving stuck emotions. Next, potentially dealing with nutrients, vitamin deficiencies, physical manifestations. And then, in conjunction with all that, there’s a spiritual component as well.
Sometimes we are shown how many generations back a gene was turned off or on into the suboptimal state. We sometimes see why. We might see experiences and ancestral trauma is one of the big things that affects our health.

In those cases, there may be lifestyle things as far as food, exercise, activity, healthy lifestyle things that can help change that gene expression.

Archangel Raphael is my partner in our medical intuitive work with genes. Raphael will come in and turn the gene off or on for us and then let us know how we can keep it that way.


Book an ancestral karmic healing session with me today to clear dense energy that may be blocking your health and joy.


Atomic Healing™


Book a tune up session with me today to ensure you are on the path to healing. We can also talk to your spirit guides again if you’d like.

Atomic Healing™
About this session
Atomic Healing™


Tune ups are for existing clients who have already had a session with me. These sessions are used to check in on your progress and ensure that remedies are working. We can also talk to your spirit guides again!

About this session


In an authorship strategy session I dive deep into insider publishing industry education, book and proposal development assistance, and visionary career guidance. Whether you would like to be traditionally published or self-published, I have done both so I’m happy to give you an expert guide through the complicated world of book publishing.


Book a tune up session with me today to ensure you are on the path to healing. We can also talk to your spirit guides again if you’d like.

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