I am so happy you are here. I’ve been where you are. 25 years ago, I was struggling to understand why my body was breaking down. Why I felt terrible. Why my reproductive system was a mess? Why my digestive system was painful? Why my skin was erupting in acne. What was my body doing to me? Why was I failing out of college and swirling in the drama of an unhealthy relationship? Why was my life not what I thought I wanted? Why didn’t I feel good? Why was my life an endless cycle of work and pain and feeling uncomfortable?
This challenge is what started me on what I call my medicine path. It started my journey inside of myself the ultimately not only healed all of those ailments and life imbalances it also helped me find my true purpose – the joy of helping you find the root cause of your pain a struggle so you can heal and feel joy and pleasure. It took some time! I had to go deep within and learn with medicine teachers and healers. I had to educate myself on the brain and its intricate workings. I had always been an imaginative person, reading voraciously and glorying in understanding things. I had to turn that first on myself and then it evolved into my dharma – being a medical intuitive.
I know you’re exhausted. You’re tired of the struggle. Whether you’ve been existing with chronic pain. Or, you’ve been struggling to work and maintain normalcy while on a hormonal roller coaster. Or, you are sick of being bloated and fatigued. Or, you can’t sleep. You saw your primary care physician. They gave you a pill that doesn’t help. You saw the medical specialist they recommended. You still feel tired. You still have heartburn or heart palpitations plus now your emotional heart is weary.
I want you to feel good again. I want to help you unlock all of the incredible wisdom buried inside of you. Your body knows how to heal itself. And, your higher self knows how you have to change your life to love your life. It is all within you. My job is to help you bring it out.
We will partner to talk directly to your spirit guides: the beings who love you unconditionally from beyond earth. Your guides have an expanded view of your life and all realities. They will show us the easiest, quickest, most efficient path for you to feel good again. They will help us find the absolute root cause(s) of what ails you and tell us how to fix it.
These same guides will get easier to hear. They will be closer because you will have given them permission to be. You will have learned how to ask them for help and made a deeper connection with them. You will be aligned with your spirit team and your inner guidance in a new way and you will rebuild your life to one that you love. Thereby creating a life that feels good in your body and makes you smile every day.
When we experience pain or suffering it is an opportunity to realign with pleasure and joy.
Take that next step with me.
Amy is a bestselling author of eighteen books, media personality, holistic health expert, and medical intuitive. She is the founder of Atomic Healing™ and the creator of the Atomic Healing™ Method. Mercree teaches internationally sharing Meet Your Goddess Guides, Ancestral and Karmic Shamanism, Spirit Writing with the Grandmothers of the Seven Directions, and the Atomic Healing™ Method: Medical Intuitive Certification.
Amy is an internationally acclaimed medical intuitive with 24 years of experience. Using a combination of spirituality and science, Amy’s job is finding the root cause of imbalances in the body. She’s helped thousands of people find the root causes of numerous mild and moderate medical conditions and uncover their bodies wisdom to heal permanently.
Mercree has been featured in Glamour Magazine, Women’s Health, Inc. Magazine, Shape, The Huffington Post, Your Tango, Soul and Spirit Magazine, Mind Body Green, CBS, NBC, Hello Giggles, Reader’s Digest, The Oprah Magazine, Forbes, ABC, First for Women, Country Living, CW, FOX, Bustle, Well+Good, Refinery 29, Hello Glow, She Knows, Thrive Global, Spartan, Poosh, Parade Magazine, Oprah Daily, and more.
Amy has been an internationally acclaimed medical intuitive for over twenty years. She’s helped thousands of people find the root causes of numerous mild and moderate medical conditions and uncover their bodies wisdom to heal permanently.
Amy Leigh Mercree is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Therefore, Amy Leigh Mercree does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing in this website should be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Amy Leigh Mercree encourages you to seek the care of a licensed healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. Information or guidance provided by Amy Leigh Mercree should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Amy Leigh Mercree makes no guarantees or warranties related to her service.