If you are reading this article you have access to the internet and most likely a safe place that is quiet enough for you to indulge in some reading for entertainment and personal enhancement. You have time to devote to leisure and recreational activities including reading. You are rich compared to much of the population of the world. And you are just within reach of having an abundant love life.
We are incredibly abundant in our lives in developed society.
Yet, for many there is an emptiness to be filled. We seek to fill it with romantic love, with things, with interaction, and some of us search for spiritual connection to fill us up. We are living with a sense of lack within us. How can we be so abundant but yet live in varying states of internal lack?
It has become the norm in society to cultivate cravings and then endeavor to fill them. We need those new skinny jeans for a night out – then we’ll feel beautiful and like we fit in. We have to have those special face cleansing cloths to pamper our skin after a workout – then we will give our face the best and prove to ourselves we are worthy of the very best.
What if we could step outside of the hamster wheel of external validation?
What if we could find our worth within and be filled with the divine power of our own uniqueness? How would our lives change? We would live from our creative souls and from a sense of sharing and community. I would allow us to think in terms of interconnection among all life.
We can start that mindset blooming within our beings now. Begin with a nightly list in your journal of thirty things you are grateful for in your life. Look at how abundant you are! Record each night what you are grateful for and feel the blessings of your life with your heart. The more attention you place on the positive, the more positive you create in your life. It’s simple natural law. Your attention creates your reality.
You are also romantically abundant whether you are coupled or single.
Take a gratitude inventory of all the love and caring in your life. Do you feel love between you and your sister’s dog? Between you and a close friend? Between you and a coworker? Did you help your mother clean her car? Did you share a smile with a neighbor? Have you sent your best friend a sweet card? There is love everywhere. There is caring flowing between people, animals, and plants all around you. Interconnection is a web designed to help you experience loving abundance. Let yourself tap into it.
When you choose to experience interconnection and loving abundance you give your romantic life a boost. When you notice and identify those moments of abundance and express your appreciation and thanks for them, you exponentialize them. You harness the electrical charge and energy they contain and it infuses your life – including your love life. You can create romantic, abundant love life today by counting your blessings and choosing to experience love and caring each day. Share your love and experience true abundance, romance will follow.