Peppermint Coconut Hot Cacao Beverage

I recently appeared on ABC 7 Southwest-Florida to show them my recipe for this Peppermint and Coconut Dream Hot Cacao Beverage. This vegan hot chocolate beverage is perfect for the holidays and features essential oils that provide amazing health benefits!

This drink features peppermint essential oil which aids in digestion, so it serves as a yummy drink and tummy tamer. It also promotes clear thinking! The Maca powder in the recipe is an anti-inflammatory and stress-busting super powder. Plus, the magnesium-rich raw cacao makes it a vegan treat!

60 Calories per serving


1 ½  coconut milk

1 ½ tablespoon raw cacao

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

½ teaspoon maca

¼ teaspoon Stevia

Pinch of sea salt

½ drop peppermint oil

Combine all the ingredients into a saucepan over medium heat, using a whisk to break up any clumps. Keep stirring until smooth and piping hot. Then pour into a mug and serve warm.

I had so fun sharing my recipe on More in the Morning on ABC with Greg Parker and Co!

So delicious and healthy! Check out the video below so you can make this awesome treat.

Here are some healthy, amazing, and delicious facts:


  • 40x the antioxidants of blueberries
  • Highest plant-based sources of iron
  • Lots of Calcium and Magnesium
  • Dopamine


  • Boosts energy and spurs performance
  • Improves learning and memory
  • Increases libido and fertility (aphrodisiac)
  • Reduces blood pressure

Enjoy your Hot Cacao Beverage! You might also like this Tulsi Chamomile Pomegranate Tea!

*note: link may be affiliate links, but I only share with you products that I LOVE!