Amy’s Top 10 Books by Women Authors to Give Your Besties!

I love being an author because it has brought the most amazing women in my life. I have been able to meet these women and hear their story through their incredible words. If you are ever in need of finding the perfect gift for your besties, I have put together my top 10 books by women authors.
Top 7 Wellness Gifts for 2021: All by Women-Owned Small Businesses!

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Top 7 Wellness Gifts for 2020: All by Women-Owned Small Businesses!
I don’t know about you, but the end of 2020 calls for some wellness goodies to take care of ourselves and the amazing women in our lives. Every year I focus on supporting small businesses, but this year, it is even more important to do so. So I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite wellness gifts for 2020.
Three Minute Mindfulness Life Hacks

Got 5 Minutes? Sign Up and Get My Easy Meditation Process for Instant Calm Mindfulness is consciously being present and in the moment. It is an experience of focus but also one of relaxation. Yet, as important as it is, we aren’t reminded often enough to live with true presence. We are told from a […]
How to Increase Focus and Productivity

As you may or may not know, I’m an author of what will soon be 15 books. I know!! I can’t believe it either, I’m so excited. I’m going into writing-mode to meet some deadlines and I thought it would be helpful to share what it takes to get me to focus and stay on […]
Finding Inner Strength

Does all the “New Year, New You’ talk this time of year annoy you? Do you feel like you should join in because you need to be a new person? The old you isn’t enough? Does it piss you off and make you want to rebel against it? It’s time for finding inner strength! Even […]
Three Secrets to Holiday Happiness

What if you had the secret to holiday happiness? For many of us, snow is falling and holiday cheer abounds but what do you do if the season of celebration leaves you feeling flat and empty? Does the thought of more small talk at parties to find a New Year’s Eve date make you cringe […]
Fresh Talk with Amy Leigh Mercree ~ Detoxifying Lemonade with Stacy Romillah

Join Amy Leigh Mercree and Stacy Romillah to make a tasty detoxifying lemonade beverage. Stacy is a nationally renowned acupuncturist and health expert. Enjoy this episode of Fresh Talk with Amy Leigh Mercree. This drink promotes liver health, flushes the organs, and tastes amazing. Learn lots of fun health facts from Chinese Medicine in this […]
Interview with Molly Ford of Smart Pretty and Awkward about Self Love & Web Success

Amy Leigh Mercree shares a lively interview with Molly Ford, founder of Impressively, Redbook, Parade, The Daily Muse, InStyleUK, and Forbes. We talk about self-love tips, advice to her 18-year-old self, the inspiration behind her much loved site, her greatest joys, and much more. Molly is the co-chair of the organizing committee for the […]
Jamie Eslinger on Keeping Promises, Setting Goals, and Thriving After Illness

Jamie and Amy have an entertaining chat about The Promise Daily and achieving goals through bliss. We also talk about Jamie’s inspiring journey as a three time cancer survivor and thriver. Jamie is proving you can do anything! She is an inspired marketer & coach. Her site is [vc_video title=”” link=””] I also […]
What to Do When Someone You Love Experiences a Major Loss

I am honored to contribute to a special blog called “Too Damn Young” that is curated by Vivian Nunez. Check out our previous interview on Fresh Talk here. Click here to read my article —–> What to Do When Someone You Love Experiences a Major Loss.